Variations can occur according to the frame, the working time, the movements and the difficulty of the wanted work.
Estimate free and detailed are made to every order. An invoice serving as certificate of authenticity is supplied in the delivery. |
Estimate on inquiry (will be taken into account the size, the difficulty, the type of support and technical as well as the preparatory studies, time of movements, and the working hours) |
Diverse works of posters for diverse circumstances |
Stage sets
Decorations for the company Fleur Moulin to Sarlat and for the theater of pocket Fleur Moulin .As well as of the representation for movies
and various roles in theatre |
Put in color of Comic strip
Facsimiles, works for the prehistory
I participated during three years (from September, 2004 till July, 2007) in a beautiful human and professional adventure within the framework of the company ZK productions to Montignac for the realization of fac similés of engraved and painted walls; in particular of the cave of Lascaux.
But we also made the copy of the completeness of walls painted and engraved by the cave of Ekaïn in the Spanish Basque country
Ekaïn cave copy
as well as certain walls of the cave of Niaux in the Ariège
Niaux Cave
The walls of realized Lascaux are parts of the cave not presented to Lascaux II (the nave with the black Cow, both leaned bisons, the bison of the imprint, the frieze of deers, well of the wizard) and intended for a big itinerant exhibition Lascaux III Now under the aegis of the General Council of the Dordogne and the new company the AFSP, always based to Montignac. New projects are set up Lascaux IV, that is the completeness of Lascaux at the bottom of the hill in a new museum with international dimension, the competition for the copy of the cave COSQUER in Cassis, etc.... |
AFSP Factory
My work in the company was the modelling under photographic projection of walls, that is to find the exact volumes of the original cave, as well as all the small grains, the veins and the cracks which constitute the mineral character," the genetic fingerprint " of a cave.
Lascaux II restoration
Before this work it is necessary to take the digital imprint of the volumes with a powerful laser (Leïca 4400 ) may treat this information and transform them there polygons and to cut them in exploitable files. A company of Dordogne takes care to cut patches of polysthyrène or of dépron with a high-pressure fountain.These hundreds of profiles are then assembled in boxes, gathered between them to form a pixellized sketch of the cave. It is necessary to take at the same time photos ektachromes in the cave with diffèrentes lights. These photos are replaced with projectors, adjustable in all the directions, in the exact place where they were taken in the cave on the matrix polysthyrène, so they do not undergo deformations.
Lascaux III
Works for Dalis Studio
These photos plan the images of the reliefs of the wall on which we work with a special dough to find the slightest details of the rock and the engravings. Differents lights allow with the shadows carried to determine the depth of crevices and the height of the volumes. A work of patience and precision.. Once this stage ( the crossed longest) it is necessary to take the exact imprint of the work with the elastomère, then to make one against mould in resin polyester to protect the rigidity of the set and the exactness of the volumes, turn this enormous set, destroy the matrix polysthyrène. We meet ourselves with a negative into which we pour a resin polyester with the appearance of the stone at least of 1cm of thickness,Which is going to be placed in a metal structure.
Once put in back in place the wall is going to receive skate and paintings always under projection because in the parietal art the volumes and the paintings are inextricably connected.
Pupils' works
Realized during the regular courses which I gave in my workshop or during training courses for adults from 2 to 5 days with watercolors to outdoor or training courses with themes